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Support is here for the electrically sentient.
If you want to have the best that Andrew has to offer, start with
CC vs. BV and the 3 Grid Presentations and purchase the NCB plug and Pro.
(3/14/25) Is Your Home Making You Sick?
Link to View Podcast.
In this episode, you will hear:
Finally, a solution to block foreign current (and magnetic fields and dirty electricity) from entering the home grounding system.
Hosted by R Blank of www.shieldyourbody.com
Visit SYB website for NCB Pro purchasing info.
How To Ground Your Body More Safely
Hosted by R Blank of www.shieldyourbody.com
Visit SYB website for NCB purchasing.
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The home is where we love, heal, and foster future generations. Wireless radiation is destroying all that we hold dear.
For those who are electrically sensitive, start right now.
My service is not for the casually concerned and curious after hearing something about 5G. If you are already insisting that all wireless devices be turned off, you are in the right place. Now let's focus on the wiring especially around the sleeping areas.
EMFs are created from common wiring configurations and devices that secretly drain our vitality. Expensive supplements, therapies, and treatments will not work around EMFs. Turning off wireless devices is only the beginning. Your home's wiring broadcasts out poisonous frequencies generated by smart meters and the electrical grid. The best time to protect your family is when you build or remodel your home. See EMF Clean electrician's punch list.
In addition to receiving a Residential Electrician's Career Diploma, Andrew has worked with the premiere EMF experts in our country.
Few provide this depth of service at any rate designed for those who already feel wireless frequencies destroying their vitality and are ready to make an investment to permanently change the course of their life.
See Videos for examples of work. See Services for what is covered in a "tracing." Appointments when ready to schedule.
All homes should be wired using grounded Metal Clad (MC) cable to reduce and contain electric fields, especially around bedrooms. Because most homes do NOT have MC cable, and instead use a cheap plastic-type of protection on wiring (Romex), there are significant electric fields present. To sleep optimally in the short term, we can turn off breakers or install shut off switches near the bedroom, unplug lamps around your bed or rewire them with shielded and grounded cords. But, this is not enough.
There is a major fatal flaw in the way the electrical grid is configured. Power companies, to save money on their transformers, got our home electrical Code to require that the neutral wire (return current wire) be stuck into the earth at our main breaker. This helps reduce voltage (pressure) on their transformers but increases earth current and makes our homes unhealthy. Installing a meter/disconnect combo, to accommodate this code-required neutral to ground connection, allows us to begin to get control over the grid problems. Our grounding conductors can then be isolated from the neutrals for all our branch and appliance circuits. This helps lower the electric and magnetic fields throughout the home but is only the beginning to the real work. Many homes have numerous Code violations like more than one neutral/ground connection and this can cause numerous health problems. Read about this in my PDF ebook called Killing Current.
Magnetic fields are created when any current flows and will be increased when traveling in parallel paths, specifically when two or more neutrals are tied together from different circuits. Even though this a Code violation it is still commonly found. I have a diagnostic that finds parallel paths so we can remove them.
Suppressing the electric and magnetic fields also reduces the radiation of dirty electricity (DE). Do not install DE filters until your wiring has been fixed or that DE energy will propagate out into the room inside of those fields or increase current onto your grounding system.
EPRI originally reported 18 µA of contact current has “biological effects relevant to cancer.” Later it was found that only 1 µA exceeded the benchmark set by the NIEHS. Where does this happen for the most vulnerable, our children? Water pipes connected to bathing areas.
"The results shown suggest that exposure to contact current associated with voltage on residential water pipes could lie at the heart of the association between magnetic fields and childhood leukemia." Kavet. Contact Voltage Measured in Residences/ Implications to the Association Between Magnetic Fields and Childhood Leukemia.
This information changes the whole game and requires a deep dive into appliance and wiring configurations to ensure there is no leakage current onto grounding conductors, and metallic surfaces from cable internet lines, water pipes and appliance frames. Breakers will NOT trip from foreign sourced current on grounding conductors.
Wireless radiation is an insidious destroyer of our health. Hardwire everything and turn off the Wi-Fi router for more speed, security and consistency. I can help you find solutions to stay connected and still keep most of your modern conveniences.
Contact me when you are ready to significantly change your life for the better. It will be like Neo's experience in the Matrix. You will have fight for your life to free yourself from these addictive habits, irresistible conveniences and parasitic forces that will want to keep you enslaved.
Raleigh, North Carolina
Phone is $30 per 15 min. or $30 per email response
Everything published on this website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be or replace medical advice offered by physicians or any other licensed health care provider. This site, its authors or associated participants will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages arising from information obtained from this website.
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